提基猴子Tiki Monkeys:游戏画面做的十分精美,编要回来过年啦,没时间打游戏了,看见什么手游都没有什么口感了。
- 免费玩游戏
- 颜色丰富多彩和精美的高清画面质量
- 探寻海岛,应对各种各样不一样的对手
- 挑选对策,在每一个地区得到 最大评分
- 在 3603.html">Google Play Game Services 和 facebook 上与你的朋友对玩
- 很多讨人喜欢的人物可列举
- 可搜集和升級令人震惊的加强游戏道具
Bcaneers! Are you ready for our 1st major update?
NEW Daily CHALLENGES - Golden map pieces are scattered throughout the jungle. Each golden tile is a piece of a jigsaw that you must solve in an exciting new puzzle area!
NEW PIRATES - Introducing 2 new members of the crew - 'Spark' and 'Pug'. Spark is a desirable little robot, and Pug is the ship's cook!
NEW SwordS - Expand your sword collection with 2 new humorous weapons - 'Ukulele' and 'Roller' Rolling Pin!