彼考斯僵尸 Because Zombies:一款僵尸主题的游戏,一场大灾变促使这座城市的人都演变变成僵尸,你与你的女儿是唯一幸存者,因为多日奔忙人体疲倦打个盹,醒来发觉女儿不见了,因此你决策踏入了找寻女儿的旅途。
《彼考斯僵尸 Because Zombies》是一款出色有意思的类游戏。这一城市发生了一些难题,许多的平常人一夜之间所有变成了僵尸!主人翁一觉醒来,发觉他的女儿下落不明了。做为一个爸爸,绝不允许女儿有一个三长两短。因此他踏入了找寻女儿的旅途。一路上会遇到很多僵尸,你务必运用现有的游戏道具来修建防御工事抵御他们的攻击!在找寻女儿的道上,你要能和碰到各种各样有不一样的工作能力和才气的人想要协助你!赶紧来解决这种僵尸找到你的女儿吧~
-Upgrade Johns weapon from a wrench, axe, bat or, the KATANA! These new weapons are awarded throughout the game, so if you have completed the game, you might need to find them in the city.
-7th item slot reward!
-Money rewards to be found in secret places in the levels.
-Weapon balancing
-lots of bugs fixed, and a lot of performance fixes
-Coins are now transferred between levels, so you take the money you earn with you! Making it mh easier to blast zombies
-fixed bugs