Shoot for the Stars in Monster Pet Shop Version 1.3.2
- Hatch lucky eggs for a chance to reveal special rewards including the sparkling new Starry Monsters!
- Earn Monster Berry Bits you can trade in for FREE Monsterberries by watching short
Video clips
- Collect monster rewards from new game center achievements
- A few more annoying game bugs get zapped
- 玩家可
收集 25种以上不同类型的怪物和超过 100 只长相独特的怪兽。
- 多样化的类型和栖息地,包括土壤、水生和草地怪兽。
- 通过爱抚、清洁居所和喂食来照顾您的怪兽。
- 培养并繁殖出独特的怪兽进行展览。
- 线上与您的好友
在首次程序内 (in-app) 购买后,iOS 将在 15 分钟内保持登录状态。 在 15 分钟内进行二次购买时,将不需要再次输入密码。 这是 iOS 软件的一项功能,不在我们可控范围之内。
Shoot for the Stars in Monster Pet Shop Version 1.3.2
- Hatch lucky eggs for a chance to reveal special rewards including the sparkling new Starry Monsters!
- Earn Monster Berry Bits you can trade in for FREE Monsterberries by watching short video clips
- Collect monster rewards from new game center achievements
- A few more annoying game bugs get zapped