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Bastketball in Space with thousands of players from Earth. Isn't that awesome?

Stardunk is a Massively Multiplayer Online Basketball where you play against all the players from the planet Earth in realtime.

More than 5 millions have downloaded and are enjoying Stardunk, come and join us for super fun parties of more than a thousands of players.

- Massive online competition against all the players from the planet
- Powerful bonuses to increase your score
- Earn awards and unlock more than 20 unique balls, each with its unique capacities
- Create and customize amazing new balls with a wide variety of abilities and visuals
- 60 FPS on iPhone/iPod 3rd and 4th gen with enhanced graphics and next-gen shaders.
- Add your friends to GameCenter or Plus+ and play against them online
- Race to the top of global leaderboards for high scores glory

Major upgrade to fix compatibility issues on modern iOS devices.
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