
来源:网络时间:2023-12-28 09:09:07





Uzi, one of the top marksmen in the League, has rejoined BLG after announcing his retirement. Many people may have questioned why Uzi didn't return to RNG. In my opinion, there are two main reasons for this: the unpleasant situation he had with RNG after retiring, and the potential for new opportunities by joining a different team. Let's analyze in detail.

Soon after Uzi announced his retirement, RNG's management made unreasonable arrangements regarding his contract. It seemed like they wanted to squeeze out every last ounce of value from Uzi, which greatly displeased him. This is likely the main reason why Uzi was unwilling to return to RNG. As a key member of the team who has accompanied them through many seasons and countless matches, it is disheartening to see things end up like this. No one would willingly go back to a situation where their feelings are disregarded. Joining BLG is also a way for Uzi to show his unwillingness to be defeated.

During Uzi's final period at RNG, his performance deteriorated, which was hard for someone as competitive as him to accept. After announcing his retirement, he resolutely decided to come back. Behind this decision, there must be a dream that still supports him. Starting afresh with a new team is the best choice for Uzi. Additionally, BLG has a great appreciation for him and offered him a very reasonable contract. Furthermore, Liu Qingsong, an excellent support player, is also in the BLG team. This is extremely advantageous for Uzi as their playstyles are very similar and Liu Qingsong, who was once part of a world championship team, can provide strong assistance. They often play together in casual games, and the process is always enjoyable. Therefore, joining BLG, with Liu Qingsong as his support, is also a contributing factor.

In conclusion, Uzi's inclusion in BLG is very advantageous for his own development. The team has a support player with a similar playstyle, and he no longer has to deal with RNG's unreasonable demands. Why wouldn't he choose this opportunity?



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