Ordi Coin, a prominent player in the cryptocurrency realm, has sparked considerable interest among investors and tech enthusiasts alike. The foundation of any successful digital currency lies in its originator and their vision. So, who stands behind the creation of Ordi Coin? This article aims to delve into the background and journey of the individual who conceptualized and brought Ordi Coin to life, shedding light on their contribution to the blockchain landscape.
ordi币创始人是谁 ordi币创始人介绍ordi币创始人是谁?Ordi代币是基于比特币协议的第一个铭文代币,具有更高的安全性和可靠性,同时ordi也是比特币BRC-20代币,类似于以太坊的ERC20代币,这是基于ordinals协议的比特币合约代币,不少小伙伴还不太清楚ordi币创始人是谁,针对这个问题,小编给大家带来了ordi币创始人介绍!
11 月 8 日,比特币协议 Ordinals 创始人 Casey Rodarmor 在 X 平台对于币安相关页面所显示的内容表示:“ORDI 与 Ordinals 项目、开放 Ordinals Institute 或 The Ordicord 无关,应删除这些链接,并且代币不应命名为“Ordinals,代币的名称是 ORDI。”