
来源:网络时间:2024-07-20 06:06:21

Hey there, League of Legends mobile gamers! Ever felt the thrill of cracking open a Poro Vault and discovering a rare gem? Well, buckle up because we're diving into the electrifying world of skins in the latest 4.3 update!

Imagine this: You've got your thumbs ready, heart pounding, and you're about to pull that virtual lever. What could be inside? Could it be one of those jaw-dropping Soul Blossom skins for Lillia or Yone? Or maybe the spine-chilling Soul Reaver Kha'Zix?

But wait, there's more to this treasure trove than meets the eye. Ever wondered what the odds are stacked against you? We're talking probabilities here, folks—those tantalizing percentages that make your skin tingle.

So, without further ado, let's peel back the layers of mystery and reveal what lurks within the depths of the Poro Vault. From the newly minted to the time-honored classics, we've got the lowdown on every skin, its backstory, and—most importantly—the chances of it landing in your collection. Get ready to be amazed, for the tales of these skins are as rich as the game itself!

Stay tuned as we unravel the secrets of the Poro Vault, one skin at a time. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a curious newcomer, there's something here for everyone. Let's embark on this epic journey together and uncover the true treasures of League of Legends Mobile!






- 4.3版本新增6款皮肤,分别是:灵魂莲华-莉莉娅、灵魂莲华-提莫、灵魂莲华-永恩、摄魂猎手-凯隐、灵魂莲华-亚索、腥红之月-亚托克斯。


- 4.2版本新增5款皮肤,分别是:太空律动百万调音-格温、古神-沃里克、魅感女巫-厄运小姐、魅惑女巫-莫甘娜、魅感女-巫薇古丝。






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