
来源:网络时间:2024-09-25 01:01:21

Hey gearheads and achievement hunters, buckle up because we're diving headfirst into the high-octane world of "Test Drive: Solar Crown"! If you've ever found yourself staring at that elusive "Start the Race" trophy, wondering how to make it shine in your collection, you're in for a treat. Today, we're not just talking about revving engines or drifting through tight corners; nope, we're all about unlocking achievements with style and ease. So, let's shift gears and cruise into the details of how to nail that "Start the Race" achievement without breaking a sweat. Trust us, once you cross this finish line, you'll be grinning from ear to ear, ready to tackle the rest of the game's challenges. Ready? Let's roll!


Hey there, fellow car enthusiasts and achievement seekers, fasten your Seatbelts as we're about to plunge into the adrenaline-pumping universe of "Test Drive: Solar Crown"! For those who've been eyeing that hard-to-get "Start the Race" badge, wondering how to add it to your illustrious collection, prepare to be enlightened. Our focus today isn't solely on roaring engines or executing slick drifts; instead, we're here to master the art of snagging achievements with finesse and efficiency. So, let's change our pace and dive into the specifics of securing the "Start the Race" accolade without breaking a sweat. Believe me, once you've crossed this particular finish line, you'll be wearing a victorious smile, fully geared up to conquer the rest of the game's feats. Are you set? Let's get moving!





Unmissable. Vivian (white Ford GT) challenges you to a race during the tutorial. Finishing that race against her pops this achievement.

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