
来源:网络时间:2011-05-27 13:01:23

1】Colt M1917l (Police Revolver)
- Patrol Desk: Armed and Dangerous

2】Star Model P (.45)
- Phelps' primary sIDEArm as detective


3】Ithaca 37 (Pump Action Shotgun)
- Patrol Desk: Armed and Dangerous (Phelps starts with it)
- Traffic Street Crime: Hotel Bandits (after car chase to parking garage)
- Traffic Street Crime: Gangfight
- Homicide Street Crime: Bank Job
- Homicide Street Crime: Bowling Alley Robbery
- Vice Desk: The Black Caesar (Finkelstein shootout)
- Arson Desk: A Polite Invitation (Hall of Records shootout)
- Arson Desk: A Polite Invitation (Leland Monroe’s Mansion shootout)
- Arson Desk: A Different Kind of War (sewers during finale)


4】M1 Garand
- Traffic Street Crime: Death From Above (single shooter on lower roof)
- Arson Desk: A Different Kind of War (in the sewer during finale)


5】M1A1 Thompson (Tommy Gun)
- Traffic Street Crime: Death From Above (two on the high roof)
- Traffic Street Crime: Gangfight
- Homicide Street Crime: Bank Job
- Vice Desk: The Black Caesar (Finkelstein shootout)
- Arson Desk: A Polite Invitation (Hall of Records shootout)
- Arson Desk: A Polite Invitation (Leland Monroe’s Mansion shootout)
- Arson Desk: A Different Kind of War (sewers during finale)


6】M1 Thompson (Round Drum)
- Vice Desk: Manifest Destiny (Hollywood Post office shootout)
- Vice Desk: Manifest Destiny (Meeting Place shootout)


7】Colt .45 (Jack Kelso's primary sidearm)
- Arson Desk: A Polite Invitation (Hall of Records shootout)
- Arson Desk: A Polite Invitation (Leland Monroe’s Mansion shootout)
- Arson Desk: A Different Kind of War (in sewers at finale)


8】Browning Automatic Rifle M1918A1 (BAR)
- Traffic Street Crime: Army Surplus (on ground near start)
- Arson Desk: A Different Kind of War (sewers during finale)
You'll find the BAR for the first TIMe in campaign after climBing the ladder out of the water, there will be a storeroom to your right guarded by some goons.
- Arson Street Crime, Cafe Holdup (one of four goons has it, usually on left)


9】M2 Flamethrower
- Arson Desk: A Different Kind of War (in sewers, second weapon storage)

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