将指令加入到C:Documents and Settings用户名称Local SettingsApplication Dataid SoftwareWolfSPasewolf.cfg中即可
[Copy to clipboard] [ - ]CODE:
bind 按键 "功能"
bind M "god"
[Copy to clipboard] [ - ]CODE:
toggle pm_thirdperson //切换第三身视角(游戏只做了手部和枪的模型)
give all ammo //补充所有弹药
toggle ui_showgun //切换显示手部和枪的模型
god //上帝模式
screenshot //截图,生成TGA文件
sndshot //快速截图,据我的测试是没感觉出和截图功能有什麼差别
toggle con_noprint //切换显示系统讯息
notarget //不会被敌人攻击
[Copy to clipboard] [ - ]CODE:
r_showgbufferchannel 0 //0,1,2,3,4
toggle r_shadows //切换阴影显示?
toggle r_showsurfaceinfo 4
toggle g_showhud
toggle g_usepostprocesseffects
toggle r_skipspecular
toggle g_showdebughud 5
toggle r_showtris
toggle r_skipbump
toggle com_speeds
toggle r_showPortals
toggle r_showLights 6
toggle r_showShadows 3
toggle r_showBatchSize
toggle Stream_slot_list
toggle g_stopTIMe
com_showfps 1
g_enableHintGUIs 0
toggle g_showentityinfo
[Copy to clipboard] [ - ]CODE:
aasStats show AAS statistics
activateAFs activates idAFEntity based entities
activateVehicles activates physics on sdTransport based entities
addarrow adds a debug arrow
addChatLine internal use - core to game chat lines
addline adds a debug line
addObituaryLine internal use - core to add obituary lines
addPerformanceQuery Displays a new performance query
admin perform administration commands
benchmark benchmark
benchview benchview
bind binds a command to a key
bindRagdoll binds ragdoll at the current drag position
blinkline blinks a debug line
buildFrequencies build a frequency table for the fixed huffman compressor
calcMinDist calc required min dist given [prevmindist] [prevmaxdist] [distmult] [newmaxdist] [newdistmult]
callvote call a vote to change server settings, etc
camera Sets the current view to a named camera entity, or clear the camera if no name is given
cameraNext Sets the current view to the next camera found in the map
cameraPrev Sets the current view to the previous camera found in the map
cancelPersonalWait cancels the personal wait
checkNewVersion check if a game update is available
clear clears the console
clearGlyphCache clears the glyph cache
clearLights clears all lights
clearPerformanceQueries Removes all performance queries
clearToolTipCookies clears all tooltip state cookies, so they will be played again
clientClass change your class
clientDefaultSpawn revert to default spawn
clientMessageMode ingame gui message mode
clientQuickChat plays a quickchat declaration
clientspawn spawns a game entity
clientTeam change your team
clientWaitForDeploy wait to be deployed
clientWaitForMedic wait to be revived
clientWantSpawn tap out
collisionModelInfo shows collision model info
collisionTest runs through all entityDefs and checks for erroneous collision data whilst generating cached models
combineCubeImages combines six images for roq compression
conDump dumps the console text to a file
connect connects to a server
crash causes a crash
cubeToSkybox converts a cubemap to a skybox (uses less memory than a full cubemap but only stores half a sphere)
cutNetDemo cuts a network demo if valid markers are set
cvar_restart restart the cvar system
cvarAdd adds a value to a cvar
cvarMultiply multiplies a value to a cvar
cycle cycles a cvar
damage apply damage to an entity
declBaf finishes the build process
declMemoryReport provides a memory report for loaded decls
deleteSelected deletes selected entity
demoShot writes a screenshot for a demo
devmap loads a map in developer mode
dir lists a folder
dirtree lists a folder with subfolders
disasmScript disassembles script
disconnect disconnects from a game
dotRenderprograms dots render programs
dumpCVars writes out all cvars to base/cvars_<date/time>.txt
dumpTextureInfo Writes out resident texture info
dumpToolTips dumps out all the tooltips to tooltips.txt
echo prints text
envshot takes an environment shot
error causes an error
exec executes a config file
exit exits the game
exportmodels exports models
exportScript exports scripts to a compilable format
findFreeString finds the next free string id
finishBuild finishes the build process
fireteam perform fireteam related commands
focusTool activates the specified tool, or the first active tool if none is specified
freeze freezes the game for a number of seconds
game_memory displays game class info
gameCrash cause a crash in the game module (dev purposes)
gameError causes a game error
generateNetDemoKeyFrames generate a keyframe file for a network demo
getAtmosphereLightDetails Get atmosphere light details
getviewpos prints the current view position (x y z) yaw pitch roll
gfxInfo show graphics info
give gives one or more items
givereward give reward to all players
giveToAllPlayers gives one or more items to all players
god enables god mode
gpuPerformanceQueries Add a standard set of gpu performance queries (this needs an instrumented NVIDIA driver)
halfSphereToCube converts spheremap to cubemap
halfSphereToSkybox converts spheremap to a skybox
heightToNormal does stuff with height maps
hitch hitches the game
htmlCVars write out the cvars to cvars.html
imposter renders imposter maps
in_restart restarts the input system
invert toggles Controller up down axis
KeepTestModel keeps the last test model in the game
keyFrameNext advances to the next key frame while playing back a network demo
keyFramePrev reverses to the previous key frame while playing back a network demo
kill kills the player
killAllBots causes all bots on the server to suicide and respawn
killClass removes all entities of 'class'
killMoveables removes all moveables
killRagdolls removes all ragdolls
killTransports removes all transports
killType removes all entities of 'type'
listActiveEntities lists active game entities
listAF lists articulated figures
listAnims lists all animations
listBinaryDecls lists the contents of a binary decl file
listBinds lists key bindings
listClasses lists game classes
listClientEntities lists Client Entities
listCmds lists commands
listCollisionModels lists collision models
listControllers lists connected controllers and their unique hashes
listCVars lists cvars
listDecals lists decal types
listDecls lists all decls
listDictKeys lists all keys used by dictionaries
listDictValues lists all values used by dictionaries
listEffects lists effects systems
listEntities lists game entities
listEntityDefs lists entity defs
listEvents lists all active events
listGameCmds lists game commands
listGUIs lists all allocated GUIs
listGUIThemes lists GUI themes
listImages lists images
listLines lists all debug lines
listLocStrs lists localization strings
listMaterials lists materials
listMedia lists all models
listModelDefs lists model defs