
来源:电玩兔时间:2023-06-13 15:03:06

The differences between dinosaurs and dragons are as follows:

1. Dinosaurs were real creatures that existed in the past, while dragons are fictional and have never been seen by humans.

2. Dinosaurs have a long history of existence, while dragons are simply ancient totems and beliefs of the Chinese people and have never actually existed.

3. The flying reptile called pterosaur is similar to dragons in a way, as they both have the ability to fly.

According to "Records of the Grand Historian," the origin of the Chinese dragon is traced back to the Yellow Emperor, who "combined symbols to create the dragon." In a gathering of tribal leaders, a part of each tribe's totem was taken and combined to form the "dragon" to represent the common belief of all ethnic groups.

Differences between dinosaurs and dragons

Dinosaurs and dragons are not the same thing, and dragons are not a type of dinosaur. Dragons are mythical creatures in East Asian folklore, often used to symbolize auspiciousness. The basic characteristics of a dragon are described as "resembling nine things." The legends say that dragons have the ability to appear and disappear, to be small or gigantic, to be short or long, and to ascend to the sky during the spring equinox and dive into the abyss during the autumn equinox. On the other hand, dinosaurs were prehistoric vertebrate animals that lived on Earth approximately 230 million years ago. The framework fossils of dinosaurs were first discovered in England in the 19th century. The term dinosaur translates to "terrible lizard" in English, which refers to the awe-inspiring nature of these ancient creatures.

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