Hey there, tech-savvy guardian! Ever wished you could keep an eye on your home from anywhere, anyTIMe? The Lenovo KeepWatch app is your new best friend in the world of home security. This nifty piece of software lets you connect your smartphone to your Lenovo security cameras, giving you crystal-clear Video feeds and peace of mind. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, it's like having a personal security guard in your pocket!
1. Real-Time Monitoring: No more guessing games! Stream live footage in HD quality and watch what's happening at home right now. Whether it's catching Fido in the act or making sure Junior is doing homework, you're always in the loop.
2. Playback and Time Travel: Missed something? No problemo! Scroll through past recordings and revisit any moment. It's like having a time machine for your home surveillance!
3. Cloud Storage: Safety First! Your precious memories and important moments are securely stored in the cloud. No need to worry about losing them to a hardware failure or theft.
1. Quick Setup: Getting started is a breeze. Just follow the step-by-step guide, and you'll be up and running in no time. No rocket science required!
2. Intuitive Interface: Navigating the app feels as natural as scrolling through your social media feed. Even grandma can figure it out!
3. Remote Control: Adjust settings, pan and tilt your camera, and even talk back through the two-way audio feature. Control freaks, rejoice!
1. Secure Connections: Rest assured that your data is encrypted and safe. Lenovo takes privacy seriously, so you can monitor without worries.
2. Smart Alerts: Get notified when motion is detected. It's like having a virtual watchdog that only barks when necessary.
3. Customizable Settings: Tailor the app to your needs. Set activity zones, adjust sensitivity, and choose which alerts you want to receive. Your home, your rules!
So, what are you waiting for? Download the Lenovo KeepWatch app today and take the first step towards smarter home security. Happy monitoring!
联想看家宝app操作指南 1、开启想到看门snowman组装全新app,在“看门”中挑选并点击你需要安装机器设备; 2、当摄像机好一点闪动时点击“摄像机绿灯已闪动”功能键; 3、选择自己的安装方式,可以考虑二维码组装,还可以选择wifi组装; 4、键入你的身边互联网的wifi登陆密码后点击“下一步”; 5、找到属于自己的并点击“生成二维码”功能键,然后点击下一步就可以去装上。 疑难问题 Q:联想看家宝Snowman APP适用哪些手机系统软件? A: 适用iOS 8.0或以上软件版本、android 4.4或以上软件版本。 Q:怎样形象化分辨Snowman摄像机现阶段运作状态? A:观查Snowman摄像机的状态指示灯: 1) 状态指示灯深蓝色总亮 代表摄像机已线下(不能与外网通电信 信)。 2)状态指示灯鲜红色闪动代表摄像机处在组装状态。 3)状态指示灯翠绿色总亮代表摄像机处于正常工作中状态。 4)状态指示灯蓝绿更替闪动代表摄像机正在尝试登陆看家宝云服务平台。 Q:看家宝Snowman录影存放有什么方法? A:云端存储和本地存储随意切换(云存需单独购买) 云存储方式录影云端储存7天,适用录影回放; 联想看家宝本地存储方式适用FAT32文件格式TF卡,最大支持32GB,TF卡存满时直接删除比较早短视频,循环系统拍摄。 Q:看家宝Snowman网络信息安全是怎样保障的? A:视频、图片均通过多种数据加密储存于联想金融级数据信息网盘中,全球500五百强企业可以信赖,可信赖。 Q:怎么购买云服务器? A:谢谢您的支持,云计算存储服务有如下方式可购买,感谢! 1) 在App端,点击左上角的菜单按钮,挑选