《没有更多的按钮》是由Tommy S#248;reide Kj#230;r荣誉出品的一款冒险类游戏,这是一个有关按钮的小故事。触摸显示屏上的按钮来操纵主人翁不断进步,在这个游戏中,控制板是全球的一部分,您能够挪动转动,乃至更改她们的方位。根据有效的改写操纵按钮抵达地图另一端。
A BIG company is ditching their buttons for a brand new ALL TOUCH Control scheme. One problem. What to do with the old buttons?
This is a story about one of those buttons. It's a good old button, in a touch screen world. And as soon as you press that arrow button, it moves.
In this game, the controllers are literally part of the world. You can move them around, rotate and even stand on them. It's a game about buttons with a control scheme that perfectly utilises the touch screen.